I am your speaker Kacey, and welcome to this weekly update email from The Cult Vault Podcast. Every Friday a new mini-series drops onto the public podcast feed. In these emails I will tell you all about what to expect.

What's coming this week?
MINISERIES January 27th - A conversation with Kenneth J. Garrett. In this interview, I chat with Ken about his experiences in an abusive church, where Ken and his family suffered spiritual abuse amongst other measures of coercive control. Ken is now a Senior Pastor of Grace Church in Portland, an established author and focuses on creating safe places for people to practice the Christian Faith. As Religious Trauma becomes something that is recognised and spoken about, Ken's work is more important than ever. Taken from Ken's Author Bio -
Ken Garrett is a native of Portland, Oregon, where he and his wife Sharon live today. After a 20-year career as a paramedic in Portland, Ken completed seminary training, and soon became senior pastor of Grace Church, Portland. Ken loves travel, hiking, spending time with family and friends, and reading. He and Sharon have three daughters and four grandchildren. Ken has taught pre-hospital medicine courses in Uzbekistan, Iraq, and Vietnam.
Ken and his family are survivors of an abusive Christian church. Recruited in 1984 with a promise of "discipleship training" and preparation for vocational ministry, Ken instead lost all of his money, nearly his marriage, and almost all of his pre-cult friends. In 1996 he and Sharon walked away from their church with their children, their car, some clothing, and Ken's guitar. The experience has led to Ken's interest in the study of cults, leadership, and healthy group and family dynamics. Ken is an advisory board member of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), and leads a monthly recovery oriented meetup, the Spiritual Abuse Forum for Education. Ken has written articles for the magazine ICSA Today, and has earned a doctorate from Western Seminary for his studies of spiritually abusive Christian churches. Ken and Sharon counsel and assist many survivors of abusive, cult-like groups and also the families and friends of current members.
You can find a copy of Ken's book here.

Now that 2023 is here, planning is well underway to make this year's CRIMECON UK the BEST one yet. Last year was the most incredible experience. I got to meet fellow content creators, network with some of the best in the podcasting industry, conduct a live talk interviewing Elgen Strait of the Falling Out Podcast which was an at-capacity experience with people turned away! but mostly, I got to speak with attendees about cults, coercion and identifying/preventing such environments. After the day was done, patrons and creators, guest speakers and leading true crime figures would all get together for quiz nights, socialising and networking in the local restaurants and bars. I cannot wait for the weekend in June to do it all again. On the 10th and 11th in London, join us! Get 10% off your tickets today by using the code CULT at the checkout.
International friends - there are services that Crimecon offers to arrange flights, transfers and organise your entire trip so that you don't have to! Patreon members can also ask me for a special 30% off code.

January 6th 2023 marks two years since the "Storm on the Capitol" - when various groups of Donald J. Trump supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building, under Trump's own encouragement, after he lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden. This scene is how Mike's recent publication opens. "The Storm is Upon Us - How Qanon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything" - is this month's giveaway title and is widely available to purchase today. You can find your copy here: - https://amzn.to/3P0o5F9